At ACLCA we know that better connected, better informed land management practitioners turn obstacles into opportunities
We facilitate better contaminated land outcomes for the community, the environment and business through the promotion of world-class, best practice assessment and remediation
ACLCA Victoria is looking for members to join our Sub Committees
ACLCA Victoria currently has ten Sub Committees (SC), which target specific aspects of the industry ranging from risk assessment to collaborative research to remediation. ACLCA’s SC groups are a great way to get involved with like-minded professionals in a collaborative environment. The SCs represent a great way to remain across regulatory changes within the industry.
Important items to note with regards to the ACLCA SCs are as follows:
- You do NOT need to be a technical expert to join a SC
- Working within a SC can provide points towards CPD
- Having joined a SC, there is no obligation to remain for the year – if something comes up or you find that it is not for you, you are welcome to step down
- Feedback from those that have joined SCs in the past has always been centred around it being a great way to network and build industry contacts, and also improve technical knowledge.
The benefits of joining an ACLCA Sub Committee include:
- Meet with a diverse group of professionals from within the land contamination industry
- Contribute to improved industry performance
- A great way to develop your career, industry profile and professional network
- Contribute to your Company’s industry profile
- Enhance your technical knowledge, confidence amongst peers and connection to key industry stakeholders
- Gain CPD recognition
- Have further involvement with ACLCA
- Increase your understanding and knowledge of a specific focus area
- All meetings are catered for by ACLCA so you can enjoy a drink and a meal with colleagues and friends with similar interests
How to get involved?
There is an ACLCA Sub Committee to suit most interests – with varying level of input required.
To express your interest in being part of an ACLCA Victoria Sub Committee, please contact
Also, if you identify an important area of interest not represented, please reach out to with your proposed SC idea. Recent focus group suggestions include: soil vapour and ground gas and emerging contaminants.
Asbestos in Soils Sub Committee
The Asbestos in Soils Sub Committee (AIS SC) is a group of volunteers who have an interest in asbestos in soils management. The group get together infrequently to discuss matters relating to AIS and also assist in the development of one member presentation per year with an asbestos management theme. AIS SC will also provide feedback to regulatory authorities and comment on relevent publications where appropriate.
- The Asbestos in Soils Sub Committee aims to increase awareness of the occupational health and safety, environmental and regulatory issues surrounding asbestos in soils.
- To develop an approach to the assessment and management of asbestos in soils that is in general accordance with the current Victorian OH&S and Environmental legislative requirements.
- Engage EPA, Worksafe and other key stakeholders to develop a pragmatic and consistent approach in assessing, analysing and managing asbestos risk in soil.
How To Join
The Asbestos in Soils Sub Committee meet approximatley 2-4 times per year. Meetings are informal either online or in person (usually over catered breakfast). If you are interested in attending a meeting, joining the Committee, or have any suggestions, please contact Chair, Steve Bos (Prensa) via
Relevent Publications
- Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act (2004), Regulations (2017) and Compliance Codes:
- Western Australian Department of Health: Guidelines for the assessment, remediation and management of asbestos contaminated sites:
- EPA Victoria – Managing Asbestos references:
- National Environmental Protection (ASC) Measures 2013:
Continuing Professional Development Sub Committee
One of the core values and objectives of ACLCA is to provide relevant, topical and up-to-date training and professional development to its members, so that individuals within member companies can and will maintain and improve the technical and professional standards and skills of member companies.
The Continuing Professional Development Sub Committee (CPD SC) is a group of volunteers who have an interest in training and professional development. The group get together infrequently to discuss matters relating to CPD and also assist in the management and delivery of ACLCA CPD Modules as well as the annual ECP Presentation Opportunity event. The CPD SC will also provide regular feedback and advice to the ACLCA Victoria Executive Committee regarding the annual program of training modules and courses.
How To Join
The CPD Sub Committee meet approximatley 2-4 times per year. Meetings are informal either online or in person. If you are interested in attending a meeting, joining the committee, or have any suggestions, please contact Chair, Clinton Smiljanic (WSP) via
Collaborative Research Sub Committee
The ACLCA Collaborative Research Sub Committee (CR SC) is a group of volunteers who have an interest in research and supporting one of ACLCAs main objectives by encouraging growth and knowledge of the industry by supporting industry-relevant research and other endeavours. ACLCA Victoria support a wide range of research programs each year financially and in kind and the CR SC play a pivotal role in advising of relevant and beneficial research projects and collaborations. The group get together infrequently to discuss matters relating to collaborative research and also assist in the development of one member presentation per year relating to a research project. CR SC will also provide feedback to universities regarding research grants and project ideas and work with other associations such as Australian Laboratory for Emerging Contaminants (ALEC) and the Centre for Anthropogenic Pollution Impact and Management (CAPIM).
The CR SC is currently supporting a number of research projects either through time, in kind or direct financial support. Research partners the Sub Committee have teamed with in past include RMIT, Melbourne University, Federation University, Monash University and La Trobe Universities.
Key areas of interest that the CR SC are interested in are listed below:
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in soil and groundwater
- Emerging Contaminants
- Acceptable contaminant levels in food producing sites
- Aesthetic considerations in soil
Some recent projects the CR SC have undertaken and/or is currently supported are listed below:
- RMIT – Ambient Background Metals/Elements in Victorian Soils
- RMIT – EIL Determination for Hg
- RMIT – Background concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
- La Trobe – Background Metal Concentrations in SE suburbs Groundwaters
- RMIT – PFAS Concentrations in Metro Melbourne Groundwater
How you can join
The CR SC meet approximately 3-4 times per year. Meetings are informal either online or in person (usually over catered breakfast or dinner). If you are interested in attending a meeting, joining the committee, or have any suggestions, please contact Chair, Hannah Mikkonen via
Early Career Professionals Sub Committee
The Early Career Professionals Sub Committee (ECP SC) are land contamination consultants within their first seven years of consulting. The aim of the group is to network with other consultants within the industry, keep up to date with the goings on within our industry and do what we do best - organise the ACLCA social functions!
The ECP SC organise and run several events each year including:
- Members Welcome Event (usually barefoot bowling)
- Laboratory/Landfill/Water Treatment tour
- Develop relationships with Tertiary institutions
- Meet the EPA Presentation
- Trivia Nights and Enviro Drinks – networking sessions
- Student Nights
- Junior vs Senior debate
- AGM after party / Christmas Party
How you can join?
The ECP SC meet approximately every 1-2 months. Meetings are informal either online or in person (often over catered breakfast or dinner). If you are interested in attending a meeting, joining the committee, or have any suggestions, please contact
Environmental and Analytical Chemistry Sub Committee
This group sees chemicals, and chemistry, as the fundamental raison d’etre for ACLCA and the activities of contaminated land consultants. Consequently, the Environmental and Analytical Chemistry Sub Committee (EAC SC) addresses issues related to environmental and analytical chemistry in the contaminated land industry.
Objectives and Focus
- A common understanding of analytical methodology available for contaminated land investigations
- Industry standards for laboratory service and data deliverables
- Industry standards for performing data validation and interpretation
- Industry standards for documenting data validation processes in ESA reports
- The behaviour of contaminants in the environment, and implications for their detection
In addition, the EAC SC aims to provide an appropriate forum to facilitate the following:
- Training for junior members (suggest incorporating into the "Introduction to Environmental Site Assessment" modules)
- Function as primary liaison between ACLCA and laboratory service providers
- Function as primary liaison between Government Agencies, with view to active participation in review of Guidance documents, NEPM etc.
- Supporting all members of the Association in relation to the chemistry of contaminants in the environment.
How you can join
The EAC SC aims to meet approximately 4-6 times a year. Membership of the Sub Committee is open to any individual who is associated with or employed by an ACLCA member company who has an interest in the topic. The Sub Committee is not intended to be a marketing vehicle – rather, its output is intended to be available to, and to benefit, all member companies in the Association.
If you are interested in attending a meeting, joining the committee or have any suggestions, please contact the Chair person, Dr Brent Davey, via
Membership and Ethics Sub Committee
The Membership and Ethics Sub Committee (M&E SC) is a group of volunteers who support the Executive Committee by providing advice regarding membership and ethics of ACLCA Victoria. The group get together infrequently on an as needs basis approximatley once per year. Most communication is made via email or phone.
The Role of the M&E SC is to support the Executive Committee in:
1. Establishment of membership criteria.
2. Understanding and managing the ACLCA membership protocols including:
- application and approval of membership;
- handling of complaints/grievances regarding performance of Member companies; and
- appropriate actions by ACLCA in response to identified unacceptable practices or work quality from member businesses.
3. Providing assistance to the Committee in processing membership applications.
4. Consulting with the Committee in situations where ethical issues arise.
How you can join
The Victorian M&E SC meet on an as-needs basis and communicate as required. We are looking for new members and encourage you to join the M&E SC. If you are interested in joining, please contact the Chairperson Rory McPhillips via
Occupational Health and Safety Sub Committee
The Occupational Health and Safety Sub Committee (OHS SC) consists of a group of member company land contamination consultants whose aim is to increase awareness of the occupational health and safety issues relevant to our industry. The OHS SC is made up of HS Managers, HS Representatives and consultants who have a general interest in HS matters.
The key outputs for the OHS SC include:
- Organising and preparing a relevant HS presentation on one or more industry specific HS issues, as part of the monthly ACLCA seminar series.
- Discussing and sharing industry hazard incidents and near misses in an open forum
- Preparing HS shared learnings for ACLCA newsletters and the ACLCA website
- Assisting with implementation of HS training to member companies
Shared health and safety learnings are continuously produced by ACLCA member companies or their clients, with the purpose of assisting staff in understanding and avoiding some of the hazards that exist in our type of work. To access a list of useful safety alerts as well as guidance on Health and Safety Plans, please sign into our members resource page.
ACLCA Victoria have health and safety shared learnings and safety alerts
How you can join
The OHS SC meet bi-monthly. Meetings are either online or in person (usually over catered breakfast). Please note that the timing and frequency of meetings may be subject to change given committee member availability and pending Sub Committee deliverables.
If you are interested in attending a meeting, joining the committee, or have any suggestions, please contact Chair Garry Masur (Helia) via
Risk Assessment Sub Committee
The Risk Assessment Sub Committee (RA SC) focuses on human health risk and the practice in Victoria. The group get together infrequently to discuss matters relating to risk assessment and also assist in the development of one member presentation per year relating to risk assessment.
- Provide a forum for consultation on risk assessment practice and methodologies in order to provide greater consistency in approach between member companies. To provide for the development and dissemination of Industry best practice.
- Provide a reference body for advice and consultation with regulatory authorities and allied organisations in the fields of contaminated land risk assessment.
- Identify and facilitate training and professional development needs related to contaminated land risk assessment - in support of ACLCA and the Continuing Professional Development Subcommittee (CPD SC)
How you can join
The RA SC meet approximately 3-4 times per year. Meetings are informal either online or in person (usually over catered breakfast or dinner). If you are interested in attending a meeting, joining the committee, or have any suggestions, please contact co-Chairs, Kristi Hanson (Senversa) and Jean Meaklim (WSP) via
Remediation Sub Committee
The Remediation Sub Committee aims to provide a forum for industry discussion, training and resources related to the remediation of contaminated land.
- To provide a forum for consultation on remediation practices, guidelines and regulation in order to provide greater consistency between member companies.
- To increase awareness and understanding of remediation techniques, methodologies and applications through seminars and training sessions.
- To act as a reference body for advice and consultation with regulatory authorities on remediation application and regulation.
- Identify and facilitate training and professional development related to contaminated land remediation – in support of ACLCA and the Professional Development Subcommittee.
How you can join
The Remediation Sub Committee aims to meet approximately 8 times a year, at approximately 6-week intervals. Membership of the Remediation Sub Committee is open to any individual who is associated with or employed by an ACLCA member company who has an interest in this topic. The Remediation Sub Committee is not intended to be a marketing vehicle – rather, its output is intended to be available to, and to benefit, all member companies in the Association.
If you are interested in attending a meeting, joining the committee or have any suggestions, please contact the Chairperson, Andrew Labbett, via
Regulatory Affairs and Audit Sub Committee
This group aims to monitor regulatory issues relevant to the members of ACLCA, and to represent and promote the interests of the membership in dealings with regulatory authorities, consistent with the ACLCA Code of Practice.
- To monitor and evaluate the status of regulations (including laws, policy, guidelines and standards) relevant to contaminated land assessment and remediation and to keep members informed on proposed changes to, or development of new regulations.
- To provide a focus for any reviews by ACLCA of changes to existing regulations or during development of new regulations with the purpose of improving the effectiveness of such regulations.
- To provide a focus for ACLCA and its members to consider the need for new (or amendments to existing) regulations or guidelines, and to be proactive in initiating discussion with, and action by, regulators.
- To provide a forum for Auditors to have an input into regulatory affairs, and to ensure the views presented by ACLCA on regulatory matters consider the full context of the industry.
- To assist the President in representing the views of ACLCA on regulatory matters.
- To identify sources of information on relevant regulations, guidelines and related aspects, for the benefit of the membership.
If you are interested in attending a meeting or joining the Regulatory Affairs and Audit Sub Committee, please contact the Chairperson Patrick Baldin (DRC Environmental) via