NSW EPA has just finalised and released it’s new practice note for preparing environmental management plans for contaminated land. You can download a copy of the practice note from the NSW EPA website here.
Asbestos in NSW: Setting the Direction 2021-2022
The NSW Government has just released this strategic report which sets out immediate priorities for action for 2021 and 2022.
State Environmental Planning Policy (Resilience and Hazards 2021)
In December 2021 the NSW government announced that the state environmental planning policies (SEPPs) will be consolidated to align with 9 key focus areas.
The State Environmental Planning Policy (Resilience and Hazards) 2021 (Resilience and Hazard SEPP) consolidates and repeals the provisions of the following 3 SEPPs:
- SEPP (Coastal Management) 2018 (Coastal Management SEPP)
- SEPP 33 – Hazardous and Offensive Development (SEPP 33)
- SEPP 55 – Remediation of Land (SEPP 55).