Paul Turner Awards and WA Auditor Drinks

ACLCA and ALGA are pleased to bring back the Paul Turner Award for 2023.  The Paul Turner Award night will be held on Thursday 2 November and will coincide with Auditor Drinks. So please feel free to register and come down to listen to some interesting research projects and chat with some of our excellent WA auditors!  Registrations can be made via the ALGA website link:  2023 Paul Turner Award | ALGA (

The 2023 Paul Turner Award will commemorate the contribution of one of Western Australia’s respected industry members, Paul Turner, who passed away in November 2010. The Award will be presented to a person whose research project or assignment is likely to contribute to the contaminated sites industry in Western Australia, thereby demonstrating aptitude to practice in the industry.

Eligible applicants are students undertaking projects or major assignments in the field of contaminated land and/or groundwater management (including Masters Course). Applications are assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Academic aptitude
  2. Relevance of research/project or assignment to the contaminated land and groundwater industry in Western Australia
  3. Evidence of active community involvement.

Eligible candidates include:

  1. A student enrolled in a Technical College or University in the 2023 academic year
  2. Course study requirements include a research project or assignment relevant to the contaminated sites industry in WA, findings of which can be easily be presented at an event on Thursday 2 November 2023
  3. No age, residency or citizenship restrictions, other than an expectation that the student is enrolled in a Western Australian academic institution.

The 2023 Paul Turner Award will be held on Thursday 2 November 2023. Student finalists are invited to attend the event and present a brief 5 minute oral presentation, with a 5 minute Q&A session.

Student prize/s will be awarded on the night followed by drinks and nibbles.

The event will be attended by consultants, contractors, contaminated sites auditors, regulators, laboratories, and equipment suppliers, giving student finalists the opportunity to network and discuss potential future career pathways.