ACLCA is excited to present our thirteenth (13th) SEMINAR PRESENTATION OPPORTUNITY tailored especially for Early Career Professionals (ECPs) on Thursday 30 May 2024 at RMIT followed by drinks and nibbles at the nearby Oxford Scholar Hotel.
Thank-you to all the ECPs who submitted an EOI for this event. It is with great pleasure that we announce six finalists who will be speaking on the night:
Presenters (listed in alphabetical order):
- Aditya Saxena (Tetra Tech), Multi Phase Extraction: Multi-phase extraction (MPE) is a groundwater remediation technology that utilizes a vacuum system and pump to extract light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), groundwater and soil vapours. MPE has proved to be an effective remediation approach in managing and reducing the extent of Hydrocarbon contamination in the form of LNAPL and dissolved phase hydrocarbons. This presentation will provide a technical insight into MPE, highlighting it’s function and strengths.
- Catherine Farah (GHD),Translating Theory into Action: Early Career Insights on Sustainable Management of Climate-Resilient Contaminated Land: As concerns of climate change become increasingly prominent, the focus and challenges within the contaminated land industry are shifting dramatically. To reduce the potential of future unacceptable risk, the assessment and management of contaminated land must account for these changes over time, emphasising robust consideration to spatial and temporal boundaries outlined in Step 4 of the ASC NEPM DQO process.
- Chelsea Wilson (SMEC), Using Geophysical capabilities within the contaminated land industry to delineate an unknown waste mass within a cultural sensitive landscape for proposed future use as an animal rehabilitation centre: Geophysical assessments have mixed reviews within our industry due to various factors such as high cost and debatable accuracy. This presentation will present a project case study highlighting the benefits of using geophysical outputs.
- Farah Ali (Nation Partners), Acid Sulfate Soils – Data Interpretations: This presentation will dive into results obtained using the different methods during a limited soil sampling event, and the different ways the data could be interpreted, with the aim of creating discussion around when to not take your result values at face value.
- Jeff Li (Stantec), How Per – and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) encourages a multi-disciplinary approach: An overview of how Per – and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) has encouraged our industry to react and learn, whilst highlighting the increasing benefit of multidisciplinary challenges. As the complexity of these challenges increase, so does the appreciation and requirement for collaboration of multiple disciplines, which is gradually becoming the standard approach for addressing PFAS and other emerging contaminants.
- Matthew Barham (CDM Smith Australia), Advancing Sustainable Waste Management in Victoria: The Circular Economy (Waste and Recycling) Act of 2021 in Victoria represents a progressive step in providing a regulatory framework to facilitate more sustainable waste management practices in business. Simultaneously, the EPA Act of 2017 complements these efforts by promoting a waste management hierarchy that favors reuse and recycling over containment and disposal. Together, these acts synergistically advance Victoria’s transition to a comprehensive circular economy. Despite legislative progress, material reuse within the contaminated land space has raised critical public health and environmental concerns.
ECP’s will have the opportunity to deliver a short (10-15 mins) presentation, in front of CLM industry peers (ACLCA members).
GREAT PRIZES will be awarded to the top three participants, based on decisions made by our industry judging panel!
General order for the event:
- Presentations 530 – 700 pm @ RMIT Building 80
- Drinks and nibbles 700 – 830 pm @ Oxford Scholar, 427 Swanston Street Melbourne
Background History of the ECP Seminar Presentation Opportunity Event
Around 15 years ago, Sarah Richards (#TetraTechCoffey) had the idea for creating a presentation opportunity for our early career professionals to help drive their careers forward and support industry betterment. Together Sarah and Clinton Smiljanic (ACLCA CPD Sub Committee Chair) brought this to life in Victoria. Since its humble beginnings, our presentation series has become a national event and opens up the possibility for one ECP from each state to present on an international stage – thanks to EcoForum and CLEANUP Conference (#ALGA).
Sarah is a remarkable woman and a strong, well respected professional. Sarah has always had a focus on supporting others, which makes her idea no surprise. Sadly, the legendary Sarah Richards passed in 2023. Her legacy lives on in many ways – including supporting our ECPs – our future leaders, be the best they can be.