ACLCA Victoria – Monthly Newsletters and Notices

Newsletter updates and event campaigns are sent out to subscribers from each member company every month (approximately 650 email subscribers). If you are not receiving our Newsletter it may mean that you are not subscribed or your internal IT security settings are blocking emails from

In addition to staying up to date via email announcements, each member company has a nominated contact person or ‘champion’ who is responsible for managing the company’s login details, sharing this with relevant staff within the member company and keeping the member company’s profile and contact details up to date. If you are not sure of how to sign in to our useful Resources page, please speak with your member contact person listed on our members page. Here we provide members only access to a wide variety of resources, including our technical monthly member presentations dating back as far as 2004. You can also find details relating to health and safety alerts, CPD training, past Newsletters and more.

Linked In is also a great way to keep up to date with all things ACLCA Victoria!