A Day in the Life of an ECP October 2024

Lily Godden – Epic Environmental

My name is Lily Godden and I currently work at Epic Environmental in the land and water team as an early career professional. Below is a recent summary of a fieldwork trip I completed in North Queensland.

I recently undertook a 14-day swing (with a colleague) at site located a few hours outside of Mt Isa. This swing consisted of advancing 155 targeted test pits across a ~3,000-hectare operational mining site in both disturbed areas (active mining area) and undisturbed areas (future mining area). My days predominantly consisted of logging the lithology at each test pit location, surrounding landscape and collection of soil samples for contaminants of concern.

The project provided a great learning opportunity to learn from a senior colleague for 14 days, which I think is a rare opportunity in this industry. Additionally, there were constant setbacks, changes to sampling plan and other factors that affected the scope of works which helped me further develop my problem-solving skills and gain further understanding of how to handle constant changes in the field