ACLCA Victoria – Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM): Call for Nominations

Please join us for ACLCA Victoria’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 24 October 2024 at 5:30pm (CBD venue TBC). To attend the AGM, please register here.

We are looking for members to join the ACLCA Victoria Executive Committee. Joining the Executive Committee is a great way to contribute to your Company’s industry profile, develop your career and professional network, enhance your technical knowledge and confidence as well as tackle some challenging industry issues.

ACLCA is the peak industry association for contaminated land consulting across Australia. ACLCA Victoria pursues and promotes best practice and ongoing professional development across the contaminated land industry within Victoria. Our core values include:

  • Advocacy – engage with relevant stakeholders to assist in the development and maintenance of industry standards and guidelines on behalf of the contaminated land consultants
  • Collaboration – provide a platform for knowledge sharing amongst member companies and broader industry stakeholders
  • Learning – provide and promote ongoing professional development and funding for research projects



To be involved in the Executive Committee, you need to be a mid to senior level professional with an enthusiasm to advancing our industry. We meet once a month from 5.30-7.00pm and in addition to this meeting, you may have responsibilities requiring about one hour per week of your time. You will interact with other professionals from your industry in discussions on hot topics and industry happenings. You will also provide a conduit between the Executive Committee and one of ACLCA’s ten Focus Areas.

The Executive Committee consists of four elected office bearers and five elected ordinary committee members (plus the Immediate Past President). Office bearers serve for only one year in any office. Ordinary committee members serve for two years. Only one representative from any member company may hold an elected committee position at any time.

If you are interested in nominating or in finding out more about the positions, please feel free to ask any of the current Executive Committee members about their experience.

All Office-bearer positions will be declared vacant at the AGM as well as two ordinary committee member positions. Therefore, nominations are sought for the following offices:

• President
• Vice-President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Ordinary Committee member

NOMINATION FORMS are available here or via our Resources page – 2024 AGM Documents (this is a members only page and requires you to sign in. Sign in instructions can be found via your company representative. 

Please note, that the Executive Committee as part of its responsibility to consider succession planning may make recommendations and endorse candidates for the positions of office-bearers.


Please note:
* Nomination forms will only be accepted from nominees, proposers and seconders who are paid-up members at the time of lodgment.
* Member companies will only be eligible to vote at the AGM conditional upon receipt of payment of all outstanding membership fees by 5.00pm on Thursday 17 October 2024.
* A Special General Meeting (SGM) will also be held on Thursday 24 October 2024 immediately proceeding the AGM at 5:15pm.
The purpose of the SGM is to move a single resolution:
That the current Rules  of the Association be amended to clarify the maximum number of employees that a member company may have in the Committee (page 17, Section 44) and Vacation of office if an existing Committee member becomes employed by a member who already has an employee on the Committee (page18, Section 53.2).

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact ACLCA Victoria Executive Officer:

Emily Burke on 0422 325 506 or