9 and 10 July 2025 Two Day WHS Course for CLM Practitioners

Event Info :

Event Start Date - 09/07/2025
Event End Date - 10/07/2025
Event End Start - 8:30 am
Event Ends - 5:00 pm
Event Location - tbc
Cost - Member $800.00 Non-Member $1000.00

ACLCA Qld is holding a 2-Day Work Health and Safety training course on 9 & 10 July 2025, specifically targeted to working on contaminated land projects and providing attendees with relevant examples and case studies relating to working in this industry.

For personnel new to this industry, it will provide an awareness of the key hazards associated with their routine work. For personnel who already have some experience within the industry but have not had any formal training, it will provide exposure to best practice controls associated with their work.

The course will be delivered by Steve Brazil, National Health, Safety and Environment Manager for Senversa. Steve has more than 28 years’ experience in the contaminated land and waste environmental consulting industry, both as a consultant and a HSE advisor.

Day 1

8:30 am – 5.00pm


·       HSE Regulatory Requirements and Hazard ID

·       Soil investigations (service clearance, drilling, excavating, working around heavy plant, etc)

·       Groundwater investigations

·       PPE

Day 2

8:30 am – 5.00pm


·       Subcontractor management

·       Working around traffic

·       Chemical exposure including asbestos

·       Managing WHS Related risk

Date: 13 & 14 May 2025

Venue: TBC

Cost: Member $800.00. https://www.trybooking.com/CYTJE

Non-member $1000.00.   Please contact Jennifer at qld@aclca.com.au to register TO REGISTER AS NON-MEMBER

Limited to 18 participants.