ACLCA Victoria will hold a 2-Day Occupational Health and Safety Awareness Training course specifically targeted to working on contaminated land projects and providing attendees with relevant examples and case studies relating to working in this industry. For personnel new to this industry, it will provide an awareness of the key hazards associated with their routine work. For personnel who already have some experience within the industry but have not had any formal training, it will provide exposure to best practice controls associated with their work.
The course will be delivered by Steve Brazil, Senversa HSE Manager with 29 years of contaminated land industry experience, including 13 years conducting OHS training.
Contaminated land specific topics covered during the course:
- Service (utility) identification and clearance, including non-destructive digging and hand augering
- Understanding plant risks e.g. working with drill rigs, excavators, NDD units
- Managing and working with subcontractors
- Understanding the risks of working with asbestos and what to do when finding it on site
- Chemical exposure, including identification of workplace occupational exposure levels for common contaminants.
- General waste management
- General traffic management requirements
- Practical implementation of controls, including the use and maintenance of PPE and use of a PID.
Participants will be limited to a maximum group size of 20. Register now to avoid missing out.
If you are claiming CPD points from attending ACLCA events, we encourage you to keep a record of your attendance on file as evidence for your CPD recognition.
Up to 32 CPD points (CEnvP) may be earned by attending this event.