crcCARE’s Risk to Remediation Winter School 2025 is scheduled for June 2025.
When and where: 2 – 6 June 2025. Newcastle City Hall, 290 King Street, Newcastle, NSW 2300
This 5-day course on Contaminated Site Assessment, Management, and Communication is developed for early career professionals* who manage, regulate, investigate, and remediate contaminated sites. and will focus on govt policy and contaminants, Site Characterization, Risk assessment and Remediation followed by case studies, site tour, evening sessions such as movie night – a guided movie on the contaminated land sector, technology display with a poster session and software tools etc. (*) up to 8 years of experience, however, it is open for everyone who would like to brush up their knowledge. For the course details please click here.
JOIN US for our Risk to Remediation – Winter School 2025
Please refer all queries to Ratin Mathur
Ratin Mathur Industry Training Manager
crc for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment
31B/32 Innovation House | Technology Park50 Mawson Lakes Blvd | Mawson Lakes SA 5095 | Australia
MOB +61 437224158 | map | |